About Seo Stack

Who are we? what's our story? why did we create SEO stack.
SEO Stack began in 2021
SEO stack began its life in 2021. Daniel and his development team built the first version of SEO stack in Laravel with Heroku and Google BigQuery. SEO stack version 1 was released early in 2022.

It went on to reach thousands of users however - due to the complexity of the stack + the tech stack used, SEO stack was too slow + google bigquery was too expensive.

Leaving us at a net loss per client.

So we had to start again.
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We had to start all over again
Trying to recreate Google search console by principle seems straightforward - but its not - definitely not. Trying to process millions of data records in less than a few seconds takes a lot of computational power!

SEO stack v1 was scrapped as it was too slow and never going to be viable for end users.

We persisted with trying to patch up V1 but eventally we realised, we need a full new system/tech stack.
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We got fed up with limitations in data
Search console is a powerful tool + of course it gives you the data straight from Google, so there's no disputing the accuracy of it. But,us SEOs always want more! and we - as a team were fed up with the 1000 row limits, export limits, no annotations and general lack of proper reporting or filtering.

So - SEO stack was born. And it's only going to get better! 

Our team has worked tirelessly to build the stack, to help real SEOs scale up their game with full data and advanced tools.

Thanks to SEO stack you can access ALL of your websites click, page and impression data.
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We wanted annotations!
It's well and truly far too easy to lose track of website implementations, content changes, link building, SEO testing and more! So, we thought why not blend search console data with annotations and intelligent AI?

This means not only can you log annotations but, you can also see whether those changes are having a positive, neutral or negative impact on your organic performance.

Our annotations system is SMART (AI DRIVEN) it will tell you what is and isn't working, offers GREAT flexibility with teams options and more!
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We wanted to create amazing tools!
With AI disrupting the world - we wanted a piece of the action. So, we thought if we have ALL of a websites data why not take that and use it within tools to help SEOs get more done faster!

And that's what we did - we built a suite of SEO tools into SEO stack from search console with AI annotations through to query counting tools, click projection, keyword clouds, nlp tools, content auditor and more!

SEO stack is a suite of SEO tools designed to help with everything from analysis through to implementation.
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SEO Stack Team

Daniel Carter (Foley)

Founder / Senior SEO
Daniel Foley Carter is an experienced SEO specialist with over 25 years experience in the SEO industry. Daniel is the founder of SEO stack - after years of conducting in-depth SEO audits Daniel had decided that a solution was required for big data analysis.

Daniel's background includes founding and scaling the agency Assertive, building a successful auditing brand (SEO audits io) and the development of SEO stack.

Ram Karri

Digital Project Manager
Ram Karri is behind the development team for SEO Stack bringing with him years of development experience. Ram leads the entire development and testing team for SEO stack.

Ram's background includes leading up development projects for various international agencies. With over 20 years development experience, Ram has worked non stop with the development team to help SEO stack become a viable product.
We wanted to create amazing tools!
With AI disrupting the world - we wanted a piece of the action. So, we thought if we have ALL of a websites data why not take that and use it within tools to help SEOs get more done faster!

And that's what we did - we built a suite of SEO tools into SEO stack from search console with AI annotations through to query counting tools, click projection, keyword clouds, nlp tools, content auditor and more!

SEO stack is a suite of SEO tools designed to help with everything from analysis through to implementation.
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