Search Console

A Smart Alternative to Google Search Console

Beef up your organic search performance by accessing ALL of you search console data + being able to interact with it in an intelligent way.

SEO stack gives you ALL of the data you need + intelligent AI integration to help you make better decisions when it comes to SEO. Smart AI annotations help you to understand whether the changes you make to your website are having the intended impact.
Access EVERY query + pages data on your domain (bypass all limitations) + store up to 5 years of GSC data
Get better SEO results FASTER with our intelligent annotations system
Advanced functionality including teams, advanced filtering + exporting and more.


SEO stack gives you search console functionality blended with advanced filtering, AI tools, annotation tracking and lots more.

Store Search Console Data

Store up to 5 years of GSC data in SEO stack.

Advanced Filtering Tools

Extended filtering, layered filtering, regex & more.

Understand Impact

Intelligent AI annotations system tracks the impat of your work.

Get Better SEO Results

Get better results faster with SEO stack, rank higher for more valuable keywords.

Feel at home.

Access and interact with your data in a familiar environment. SEO stack gives you access to EVERY keyword, EVERY page & every bit of data relating to your websites organic profile.
Big Data
Access millions of queries in seconds.
Fast Decisions
Learn quickly whether your website SEO changes are having the desired impact.